
Cash Flow Indicator Ratios Excel Template Calculator

The cash flow ratios calculator helps users compare the company’s cash flows with other elements of the company’s financial statements. With a high cash flow level, companies can withstand declines in operating performance and pay dividends to investors. Cash flow ratios are an essential element of liquidity analysis of the company. These ratios are especially important for companies whose cash flows diverge substantially from the income statement’s profits. With this cash flow ratios calculator, you will get: – The cash flow coverage ratio is calculated as operating cash flows divided by the total company’s debt. The higher this ratio, is better. A high cash flow coverage ratio indicates that the company has sufficient cash flows to pay its obligations. – Cash flow margin ratio. It is a cash flow from operations divided by sales. This financial metric is more reliable than net profit since it gives a clear picture of the amount of cash generated per dollar of sales. – The current liability coverage ratio is calculated as cash flows from operations divided by the company’s current liabilities. If this ratio is less than 1:1, a business will not generate enough cash to pay for its immediate obligations. Therefore, there is a risk of bankruptcy for this company. – Price to cash flow ratio. For the calculation of this ratio, the share price should be divided by the operating cash flow per share. – Cash flow to net income shows the correlation between these two financial indicators.


Cash Flow Indicator Ratios Excel Template


Perform the cash flow analysis of your company with minimum efforts

Assess the liquidity of your company

Compare your company’s financial performance with other companies in the industry

Calculate the current liability coverage ratio and assess the risk of bankruptcy for your company

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